Hi! As you may have already heard, the Burlington Recreation Commission board members voted on Monday, March 14th and decided to keep the park name as Wildwood Park. While I am disappointed I am glad that more people now know about Havenville! The board members agreed to placing a kiosk within the park with information about Havenville so stay tuned for more info on that.
If any of you are interested, the Burlington Union has a poll to see what the most popular name is for the new park. Go to wickedlocal.com/Burlington and scroll to the bottom of the page, on the right you should see the poll question. Of course, you should follow your heart but it would be great if you voted for Havenville Park.
Havenville, Burlington 1875

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Havenville Update! It's Decision Time! Monday Night 3/14 at 7pm
Hello Everyone,
Hard to believe that a whole month has gone by since our proposal was made to the Recreation Commission board members! Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow night, Monday, March 14th at 7pm the board is scheduled to vote on the Havenville / Wildwood park name. I am planning to attend and would love it if any of you were able to also attend! I truly appreciate all of the support you have offered and hope that we have been successful in convincing the board members that Havenville is the best name for our new park! Please pass this along to anyone I may have missed or who you think may be interested! Thanks and hope to see you all there!
Hard to believe that a whole month has gone by since our proposal was made to the Recreation Commission board members! Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow night, Monday, March 14th at 7pm the board is scheduled to vote on the Havenville / Wildwood park name. I am planning to attend and would love it if any of you were able to also attend! I truly appreciate all of the support you have offered and hope that we have been successful in convincing the board members that Havenville is the best name for our new park! Please pass this along to anyone I may have missed or who you think may be interested! Thanks and hope to see you all there!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Burlington Union story!
Havenville made the front page of the Burlington Union today 2/17/2011! Grab a copy and read Judy Wasserman's account of the Rec Department meeting held on Monday February 14, 2011. Havenville is also listed in the section called
"3 Things to Consider This Week". Check it out!
"3 Things to Consider This Week". Check it out!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's Just Havenville now!
Due to popular demand, the name of the proposal has been changed to just Havenville. Too many people were scared by the Hollow term so it has been removed from the proposal and we are going with Havenville Park instead. More later...
Havenville Proposal Rec Dept Update!
Just wanted to thank everyone for the support at the Rec Dept meeting last night! We had a great turnout and I think we made some progress but we will have to wait for the board member's response. I will keep you posted! Thank you to everyone who signed and turned in a postcard, thanks to those who called or emailed their town meeting member, thanks to those who sent words of encouragement and thanks to those who were at the meeting, either physically or in spirit! There will be a small write up in the Union this week and the full story in next week's edition. Stay tuned!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Havenville Meeting TONIGHT!
Hi! Just a little reminder that tonight is the big night at the Rec Dept! Hope you can make it! The meeting starts at 7pm and we should be done by 7:30! Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hi Everyone!
Well, this has been a very interesting week down here in Havenville. I got to spend several hours with the Co-Chair of the Burlington Historical Commission, Mike Tredeau, going over Havenville history. He is a wealth of information and knows just about everything about Burlington. He also hosts that great cable show All History is Local on BCAT. I also got to speak with Bob Costa, another Burlington history expert and a teacher at the Burlington High School. He is also the author of the fantastic book Images of America, Burlington that has great Burlington information and lots of very old photographs! And lucky me, I got to have a wonderful conversation with a lovely lady, Harriet Rice. Harriet is the daughter of Louis Skelton and she grew up in Havenville. She shared with me some of her memories of growing up and what Havenville was like when she was a young girl. Fascinating! I am so appreciative for all of the people who have taken time to talk to me, send in the postcards or email me with encouragement. That is what makes me keep going with this mission.
If you are a Burlington resident, like the Havenville name for the park and want to help out, please email me a simple message stating your support for the new park to be named Havenville. It doesn't have to be Havenville Hollow as long as we can resurrect the Havenville name. Please include your full name and street address along with your message. I am compiling emails to show the Recreation Commission members that there really are people in Burlington who care about Havenville! If you are really excited about Havenville, why not contact your Town Meeting member and ask if they can support Havenville? Ask them to contact me with their message of support as well. And lastly, if you are a totally passionate Havenville fan, please come to the Rec Dept meeting on Monday, February 14th (yes, it's Valentine's Day!) at 7 PM and show your love for Havenville! Thank you all so much for your continued support!
P.S. Almost forgot! Please check out the Burlington Patch online newletter at BurlingtonPatch.com. They did a story on the Havenville proposal today!
Well, this has been a very interesting week down here in Havenville. I got to spend several hours with the Co-Chair of the Burlington Historical Commission, Mike Tredeau, going over Havenville history. He is a wealth of information and knows just about everything about Burlington. He also hosts that great cable show All History is Local on BCAT. I also got to speak with Bob Costa, another Burlington history expert and a teacher at the Burlington High School. He is also the author of the fantastic book Images of America, Burlington that has great Burlington information and lots of very old photographs! And lucky me, I got to have a wonderful conversation with a lovely lady, Harriet Rice. Harriet is the daughter of Louis Skelton and she grew up in Havenville. She shared with me some of her memories of growing up and what Havenville was like when she was a young girl. Fascinating! I am so appreciative for all of the people who have taken time to talk to me, send in the postcards or email me with encouragement. That is what makes me keep going with this mission.
If you are a Burlington resident, like the Havenville name for the park and want to help out, please email me a simple message stating your support for the new park to be named Havenville. It doesn't have to be Havenville Hollow as long as we can resurrect the Havenville name. Please include your full name and street address along with your message. I am compiling emails to show the Recreation Commission members that there really are people in Burlington who care about Havenville! If you are really excited about Havenville, why not contact your Town Meeting member and ask if they can support Havenville? Ask them to contact me with their message of support as well. And lastly, if you are a totally passionate Havenville fan, please come to the Rec Dept meeting on Monday, February 14th (yes, it's Valentine's Day!) at 7 PM and show your love for Havenville! Thank you all so much for your continued support!
P.S. Almost forgot! Please check out the Burlington Patch online newletter at BurlingtonPatch.com. They did a story on the Havenville proposal today!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Havenville Campaign, Underway!
Hey everyone! I have been getting lots of positive responses to the emails that I sent to the Town Meeting members, Historical Commission & Historical Society. We are now scheduled for the next Rec Department Meeting on Monday February 14th at 7pm. Yes, I know it's Valentine's Day so let's show how much we LOVE Havenville and plan to be there! There is strength in numbers! More info on that meeting will follow as we get closer to the date! And someone said to me today, " I LOVE the name Havenville, it's only one letter off from Heaven!" Couldn't get much better than that!! Stay tuned!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Burlington MA History another opportunity...lost?
Email to Burlington Historical Society members and Precinct 4 Town Meeting Members today
I am emailing all of you today in hopes that we can avoid another lost opportunity for preserving what little Burlington History is still available to us and all of the residents of Burlington.
For several months, I have been trying to promote an historic alternative to the (generic) name given to the newest park in Burlington. As it stands right now, the new park will be called Wildwood Park. I know that these fields were the home of the Wildwood School for many years but the school has been gone since 1996 and most of the children who will be playing at this park have never even heard of the Wildwood School. Which brings me to the suggestion that the park be named after the area in which is located: Havenville. In trying to contact you all, I googled the history of Burlington and it brought up the home page of the Burlington Historical Society. This page, ironically enough, features the story of the birth of the Historical Society back in 1964. Upon reading the story, I was amazed to find that it was because of the Havenville (West) School that the society was even created. How can we let the very beginnings, the very foundation of the society just fall to the wayside? How can we let another piece of Burlington history slip away?
The Havenville suggestion has not met with much response at the Recreation Department and I could really use some assistance in this matter. I know this sounds like an episode of the television show Parks & Recreation but it's REAL and it's important for our town!
Incidentally, I am all for the park project. I have no desire to stall or halt the park progress. However, I do believe that we have an opportunity to promote something that may be lost if we don't act now. I have several classrooms of children and at least one Girl Scout troop willing to begin a campaign supporting this suggestion. This could be an amazing chance for the children of this town to learn about the history of Burlington and also to learn how to responsibly work through an issue that could affect a whole town. I already have pre-printed postcards for residents to sign and mail in to the rec department to show their support. Please, respond to me as soon as possible as I believe this matter needs to be handled in a very timely fashion. Thanks!
http://Havenville.Blogspot.com search Havenville on facebook or try
I am emailing all of you today in hopes that we can avoid another lost opportunity for preserving what little Burlington History is still available to us and all of the residents of Burlington.
For several months, I have been trying to promote an historic alternative to the (generic) name given to the newest park in Burlington. As it stands right now, the new park will be called Wildwood Park. I know that these fields were the home of the Wildwood School for many years but the school has been gone since 1996 and most of the children who will be playing at this park have never even heard of the Wildwood School. Which brings me to the suggestion that the park be named after the area in which is located: Havenville. In trying to contact you all, I googled the history of Burlington and it brought up the home page of the Burlington Historical Society. This page, ironically enough, features the story of the birth of the Historical Society back in 1964. Upon reading the story, I was amazed to find that it was because of the Havenville (West) School that the society was even created. How can we let the very beginnings, the very foundation of the society just fall to the wayside? How can we let another piece of Burlington history slip away?
The Havenville suggestion has not met with much response at the Recreation Department and I could really use some assistance in this matter. I know this sounds like an episode of the television show Parks & Recreation but it's REAL and it's important for our town!
Incidentally, I am all for the park project. I have no desire to stall or halt the park progress. However, I do believe that we have an opportunity to promote something that may be lost if we don't act now. I have several classrooms of children and at least one Girl Scout troop willing to begin a campaign supporting this suggestion. This could be an amazing chance for the children of this town to learn about the history of Burlington and also to learn how to responsibly work through an issue that could affect a whole town. I already have pre-printed postcards for residents to sign and mail in to the rec department to show their support. Please, respond to me as soon as possible as I believe this matter needs to be handled in a very timely fashion. Thanks!
http://Havenville.Blogspot.com search Havenville on facebook or try
A Little More Info about the Old Havenville (West) School
While doing some more digging into Havenville History, I stumbled on this very interesting account of the Restoration of the Old Havenville (West ) School by someone who was there! Check it out for yourself!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Yes, Olivia, there is a Havenville!
Below is the wonderful response to my daughter's letter to the editor of the Burlington Union. This was written by Chris Warren and appeared in the December 23, 2010 edition of the paper.
Dear Olivia,
You recently wrote a letter to the Burlington Union regarding your wish to recognize our section of Burlington as Havenville, as it was known at the turn of the twentieth century. According to John E. Fogelberg, who chronicled Burlington's history in his book "Burlington: Part of a Greater Chronicle" it got it's name from the Haven family who lived at the intersection of Bedford Street and Francis Wyman Road. Charles Nathaniel Haven owned four homes and 25 acres of land and his brother Jonas Clark Haven owned a house and barn and 37 acres of land. The two brothers ran a general store until 1920 that was located across from the Old West School (once known as the Havenville School).
So, what is left of Havenville, physically, in terms of buildings and landmarks? Not much at all. Just the Old West School. Fortunately, a gentleman by the name of Charles Cassassa purchased the school in 1963 and recognizing it's value, led a campaign to restore the 1794 structure. Then he gave the school house to the town of Burlington with the condition that it always be operated as a historical site. Mr Cassassa was a concerned, thoughtful Burlington citizen whose actions allow us and all future Burlington residents the enjoyment of an historic and rare one room school house.
But, I am writing to let you know the spirit of Havenville is alive and well. Havenville was a village where families and neighbors helped each other out. From Folgelberg's newspaper article "Few will recognize Havenville", he describes an incident in the area. Miss Rindy Reed lived in a small home in Havenville and it burned down in 1880. The neighbors rescued her from the fire and then she moved in with the Nathan Simonds family down the road, where she resided for the rest of her life.
In our Greenwood Road neighborhood, we are like a village. We've has so many fun times at the annual block party and the Alterisio annual Christmas party is the event of the season. And do you notice how many former neighbors and adults who grew up on Greenwood Road and Pleasant Street still come back to the old neighborhood to enjoy the festivities? Do you remember the time that Mrs. Powers' husband became very ill? Mrs. Nowell then organized the whole neighborhood to take turns bringing dinner over, one less thing for the Powers' family to worry about. I remember when my husband and I first moved into the neighborhood in 1999 and the Crescios and the Waites warmly welcomed us in an impromptu gathering at the borders of our adjoining back yards.
Yes, Olivia, there is a Havenville. As long as people care about their families and neighbors, and take the time to get to know each other and become friends, and share life's celebrations and sorrows, this place we live will always be a village called Havenville.
My understanding is that you would like the new Wildwood Park to be named Havenville Hollow due to it's historical significance. Always hope, always have faith and always dream because our thoughts create our expectations that translate into the lives we lead in the future. It is possible that the new park will be named after Havenville. It is possible that in time we will refer to our section of Burlington as Havenville. When searching the internet for the phrase "Havenville, MA" I was surprised to learn Havenville is still an active term used on maps, similar to the Pinehurst area of Billerica. I believe Mr. Fogelberg and Mr. Cassassa would encourage you to pursue your dream.
Dear Olivia,
You recently wrote a letter to the Burlington Union regarding your wish to recognize our section of Burlington as Havenville, as it was known at the turn of the twentieth century. According to John E. Fogelberg, who chronicled Burlington's history in his book "Burlington: Part of a Greater Chronicle" it got it's name from the Haven family who lived at the intersection of Bedford Street and Francis Wyman Road. Charles Nathaniel Haven owned four homes and 25 acres of land and his brother Jonas Clark Haven owned a house and barn and 37 acres of land. The two brothers ran a general store until 1920 that was located across from the Old West School (once known as the Havenville School).
So, what is left of Havenville, physically, in terms of buildings and landmarks? Not much at all. Just the Old West School. Fortunately, a gentleman by the name of Charles Cassassa purchased the school in 1963 and recognizing it's value, led a campaign to restore the 1794 structure. Then he gave the school house to the town of Burlington with the condition that it always be operated as a historical site. Mr Cassassa was a concerned, thoughtful Burlington citizen whose actions allow us and all future Burlington residents the enjoyment of an historic and rare one room school house.
But, I am writing to let you know the spirit of Havenville is alive and well. Havenville was a village where families and neighbors helped each other out. From Folgelberg's newspaper article "Few will recognize Havenville", he describes an incident in the area. Miss Rindy Reed lived in a small home in Havenville and it burned down in 1880. The neighbors rescued her from the fire and then she moved in with the Nathan Simonds family down the road, where she resided for the rest of her life.
In our Greenwood Road neighborhood, we are like a village. We've has so many fun times at the annual block party and the Alterisio annual Christmas party is the event of the season. And do you notice how many former neighbors and adults who grew up on Greenwood Road and Pleasant Street still come back to the old neighborhood to enjoy the festivities? Do you remember the time that Mrs. Powers' husband became very ill? Mrs. Nowell then organized the whole neighborhood to take turns bringing dinner over, one less thing for the Powers' family to worry about. I remember when my husband and I first moved into the neighborhood in 1999 and the Crescios and the Waites warmly welcomed us in an impromptu gathering at the borders of our adjoining back yards.
Yes, Olivia, there is a Havenville. As long as people care about their families and neighbors, and take the time to get to know each other and become friends, and share life's celebrations and sorrows, this place we live will always be a village called Havenville.
My understanding is that you would like the new Wildwood Park to be named Havenville Hollow due to it's historical significance. Always hope, always have faith and always dream because our thoughts create our expectations that translate into the lives we lead in the future. It is possible that the new park will be named after Havenville. It is possible that in time we will refer to our section of Burlington as Havenville. When searching the internet for the phrase "Havenville, MA" I was surprised to learn Havenville is still an active term used on maps, similar to the Pinehurst area of Billerica. I believe Mr. Fogelberg and Mr. Cassassa would encourage you to pursue your dream.
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